A board certified pedorthist (C.Ped.) is a person who is specially trained, has successfully passed the certification examination, and has fulfilled all educational requirements. He or she has the working knowledge and experience to provide medically related specialty services that affect human beings’ ability to ambulate. The C.Ped. provides footware, foot orthoses, and/or biomechanical and accommodative requirements in an effective, dignified and efficient manner, and in accordance with the direction of the patient’s physician.
Shoe Modification
The Creativity and artistry of pedorthics can be seen in the many ways that shoes can be modified.
The sole can be modified by adding an extension, wedge, flare, stabilizer, extended steel shank or rocker sole. The shoe upper can be stretched, molded or reshaped to accommodate just about any foot shape or deformity. And in most cases, shoe modifications blend in so well that they are virtually unnoticeable.
Modification Services are as follow:
• Lift: Heel, Heel to toe
• Wedging: Heel, Heel to Toe
• Shanks: None, Standard, Full length (heel to toe)
• Flares: Heel, Heel to Toe Heel (medical/lateral)
• Rocker Sole: Forefoot Rocker, Double Rocker, Heel to Toe Rocker, Negative Heel.

Custom Made Orthotics Arch Support
Shoe Clinic offers custom-made and premade orthotics arch support designed to help balance and support the correct weight distribution evenly across your foot. Have you been diagnosed with Planter Fasciitis or Bunion or Metatarsal (ball – of – foot) Morton’s Neuroma, or suffer from flat foot pornaeion or high arch related problems? Orthotics is designed to fit inside any casual or athletic shoes and even inside ladies high heel or narrow dress shoes. Shoe Clinic has over 25 years of experience and is currently working under the direct supervision of many foot doctors to bring relief to their patients. Call us for a free consultation and let us help to end the discomfort and the pain.